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The Great Retention: Companies with High Employee Satisfaction

We’ve all been there: that moment when we’re looking around our workplace, wishing we were anywhere else. Most of the time, it’s not that we’re miserable, we just can’t seem to find satisfaction in our day to day. We hear about people happy in their jobs, but where do we find the companies with high employee satisfaction?

companies with high employee satisfaction

When we graduate from school and contemplate how we want to make a living, we’re not often considering companies with high employee satisfaction. We tend to focus on the best opportunities like pay, location, and sometimes even a foot in the door is enough. We’re delighted to be out of school and interacting in the world, getting paid to use our skills.

What we don’t always remember to think about is our long-term game. It’s easy to be drawn to positions with good pay, high clout, and overall stability, but this doesn’t always equate to job satisfaction. Choosing a company with a proven track record of satisfying employees is the best place to look when trying to find a company where you’ll want to stay.

Choosing a company with a proven track record of satisfying employees is the best place to look when trying to find a company where you’ll want to stay.

Today, we’ll show you how to find companies with high employee satisfaction so you can stop looking for new opportunities and grow with a company you’ll love.        

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What Companies With High Employee Satisfaction Are Doing

If you ask two people what would make them happiest in their life, the answers might range from fatherhood to graduating college, or finally being able to afford that car they’ve had their eye on since they got their first set of wheels.               

It’s easy to think of what might make you happy in a job, but we need to remember that happiness is an emotion and will change depending on the circumstances revolving around our lives. To some, happiness might be lying on the beach, drinking a fruity cocktail garnished with a mini-umbrella, and baking under the sun; to others, this is their worst nightmare. So why not think beyond happiness?

Unhappiness usually stems from something we can’t accomplish, and therefore, the expectation of a happy life is a tall order we’re exhausted trying to fill. Still, if we stop thinking about what would make us happy, and started focusing on the things that give us satisfaction, we’ll naturally have less stress, reduced anxiety, and higher satisfaction in life.

Defining happiness isn’t easy, but it is easy to focus on things proven to create happiness, such as work satisfaction. When a person is in an atmosphere that contributes to their success, reduces stress, and allows them flexibility in their life, they will stress less, leaving more time for peace, happiness, and wellbeing.

Defining happiness isn’t easy, but it is easy to focus on things proven to create happiness, such as work satisfaction.

RELATED: How Wellness Programs Help Improve Employee Morale

What High Employee Satisfaction Looks Like

Happiness is something we all strive for, but until we focus on the foundational pillars of our life that are proven to increase our overall life balance and satisfaction, it’s hard to achieve.

We all have primal needs and wants we need to address in order to feel pride and satisfaction in ourselves. For you, it could be the satisfaction of a 200-pound deadlift; for others, it’s making their broody teenager laugh once each day. We make goals to meet our needs, and it’s always the hardest ones that produce the greatest rewards.

highly satisfied employees

Take a moment and think back to when you felt true satisfaction. Does this moment include a sense of pride? Is this a memory of an easy win or a hard to attain victory? Chances are, you thought of something that brought out a sense of pride in yourself and something that did not come easy. 

Maybe you thought about the time you were brave enough to ask your now spouse on that first date, or perhaps it was helping restore damaged coastlines. No matter the circumstance that created the satisfying feeling, it is the things that don’t come easy that pull our cheeks into the most genuine smiles.

In our personal lives, we get to determine what we need to keep us satisfied. We choose our furniture, where we live, the food we eat, the people we interact with, but most of us don’t have that same luxury at the companies where we work; because companies with high employee satisfaction are too few.

In our personal lives, we get to determine what we need to keep us satisfied. But most of us don’t have that same luxury at the companies where we work.

RELATED: The Real Reason Companies With Happy Employees Succeed

The Secret Way Companies Create Satisfied Employees

For more than forty years, research on the effects of employee health and wellness programs has been gathering data, with continuous positive trends in employee retention, reduced expenses on medical costs, and lead to overall happy and loyal employees. 

Who wants to spend the majority of their time at a place that does not focus on the health and happiness of their workers? After all, without workers, companies don’t operate, so their success depends on the quality of their teams. If they have high turnover or unproductive employees, they won’t achieve their goals.

If you plan to show up to work and put in your best effort, shouldn’t your employers do the same?

Companies with a considerable focus on wellness continue to show positive results, including saving money and increasing employee happiness. 

The best way to locate companies with high employee satisfaction is to look for employers dedicated to employee health and wellness programs because those companies have the happiest employees. Companies with a considerable focus on wellness continue to show positive results, including saving money and increasing employee happiness. 

RELATED: The Correlation Between Wellness Programs and Increasing Productivity in the Workplace

What A Good Wellness Program Looks Like

It’s easy to think of wellness as a basic benefits program, but wellness is so much more than health benefits. Medical and dental insurance are a great start, but the rapidly improving world of health and wellness gives employers more options on what they can provide.

plan for companies with high employee satisfaction

For most of us, the dollar is no longer the reigning champion of persuasion when it comes to career decisions because we’re realizing how precious time is and how much the pursuit of the almighty dollar creates a false sense of happiness and stability. We want to feel appreciated and like the work we do matters. We want to be surrounded by people that are as invested in us as we are in them.

The companies with high employee satisfaction are the ones that know how to treat them, and satisfied employees stick around. Each business needs to decide on programs that will help their employees without hurting their business, making a wellness program’s versatility crucial. 

Each business needs to decide on programs that will help their employees without hurting their business, making a wellness program’s versatility crucial. 

It’s important to look at all the benefits before accepting the position to recognize the full scope of a compensation package. However, it’s important to remember that even small wellness programs can impact and don’t always need a big budget.

RELATED: This is the Impact of Employee Wellness Programs on Health Care Costs

What The Best Wellness Programs Offer

Wellness programs are vast, ranging from minimal to expansive, depending on the company providing the benefits. Most large companies will offer complex wellness packages, so if you plan on pursuing a career in more prominent industries, why not choose the ones with the best of the best wellness.

Medical and Dental Insurance. This is at the top of the list because it’s the one we all need and most offer. Don’t skip this one, and you might want to think twice before pursuing companies that do.

Vision Insurance. Many people that have good vision think they don’t need eye exams. While they may not need glasses, optometrists can often spot initial early symptoms of diseases. That eye exam could help lead to a diagnosis that can save your life.

Mental Health Benefits. Finding a company with mental health visits is getting a little easier since the implementation of online therapy platforms. If you find one with full mental health benefits, they are seriously worth considering. Mental health services are expensive, and if a company is willing to invest in promoting them, they are worth taking a serious look into. 

Access to Physical Fitness. Gym memberships, group fitness, or walks at lunchtime. Fitness and movement are keys to health and wellness, and companies that promote them show they value their workers.

exercise and fitness wellness plan

Flexible Work Schedules. Commuting five days a week in traffic with rising gas costs is something we’ve learned in recent years isn’t necessary. Companies with high employee satisfaction offer employees flexible schedules give them more control over their time and improve their life quality.

Paid Time Off and Sick Leave. Employers that don’t provide their employees with paid time off won’t keep people around long. Look for companies that understand that life happens.

Screening Incentives. Get paid to do all the things you should be doing to take care of yourself. Dental cleanings, routine checkups, and even that eye exam we mentioned early should happen, and why not look for employers that will make it worth your while to stay on top of your health?

RELATED: The Best Way to Conduct Biometric Testing and Wellness Screening

Helping Employees Succeed

While wellness programs aren’t designed to force people to do what they don’t want to do, they help people succeed in the things they want to do.

While wellness programs aren’t designed to force people to do what they don’t want to do, they help people succeed in the things they want to do.

Wellness programs can’t make you step on a treadmill, but they can give you a pass to access them. They can’t make you stop smoking, but they can offer tobacco cessation programs and resources to help you quit. 

We feel satisfied when our minds are at peace and we are proud of ourselves. It’s the reason we work so hard and the reason we don’t give up.

To be satisfied at our jobs, we need to find companies that take their employees needs seriously, which is why we need to choose companies with happy employees. We need to select companies that care about their teams, and it’s the companies with the high employee satisfaction through wellness programs. 

RELATED: 6 Strategies for Successful Wellness with Remote Workers

To Recap: Companies with High Employee Satisfaction Focus on Wellness

We all want to find our place in this world, use our skills, and find the best company to utilize those skills. We want our work to matter, and we want to be a part of teams that support those skills.

While money is an effective carrot to take a job, it won’t be the reason to keep the job. We need to feel appreciated, and the best way to find a company that will support their employees is to locate the ones with the best wellness programs.

When we choose companies with valuable wellness packages, we will be equipped with the tools to create our own happiness. When we show up to work ready to sacrifice our time and energy, our employers need to show us they value our time by providing resources to help us.

Wellness is more than a comprehensive benefits program. It depends on what you need in your life to be healthy. Healthiness is about balance, reducing stress, and taking care of ourselves. When we find companies that emphasize overall health and wellness, it’s a good indicator that they’ll be where you want to stay.

The Best Wellness Programs Have:

  • Medical and Dental Insurance. Please don’t skip this one; it’s essential!
  • Vision Insurance. Remember that an eye exam could help lead to a diagnosis that can save your life.
  • Mental Health Benefits. Mental health services are expensive, and if a company is willing to invest in promoting them, they are worth taking a serious look into. 
  • Access to Physical Fitness. Fitness and movement are keys to health and wellness, and companies that promote them show they value their workers.
  • Flexible Work Schedules. Employers that offer employees flexible schedules give them more control over their time and improve their life quality.
  • Paid Time Off and Sick Leave. Look for companies that understand that life happens.
  • Screening Incentives. Get paid to do all the things you should be doing to take care of yourself.

While these are the heavy hitters in employee health and wellness programs, there is a high range of options when determining the best employee wellness program. It’s crucial to find one that works for you.

Taking the time to learn about companies with happy employees will help you make the best decision on which ones are worth pursuing because those are the companies that have the best performance rates, lowest turnover, and minimal medical expenses. These are the companies that show they care by wanting you to take care of yourself.

Taking the time to learn about companies with happy employees will help you make the best decision on which ones are worth pursuing.

We invite you to explore how you can win with a wellness program that will not only increase productivity but so much more!  Schedule a Free Demo with our team and learn how to create highly satisfied employees.